
My blog about the pain, unpleasantness and JOY of self improvement.

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SEMP and Necessary Adult Peace Sessions

Day 8… I find that my goals fall into a few different categories. Spiritual, anything that improves my relationship with Jehovah.  Emotional, anything that improves my relationships with those around me.  Mental, anything that strengthens my mind or increases my understanding of the world.  And Physical, anything that strengthens my physicality.   So spiritual goals…

Jack of all trades, master of…fun?

Day 38…I got to Day 38.  I’m happy with that. It’s been a busy month. Sometimes life hits us with the unexpected. This can be a problem if you are trying to reach a particular goal.  Which is why I need things written down. It’s a reminder of the end goal. A reference to rely…

The Necessity of Specificity

Day 8… Over the years I’ve had several people ask me what my 100 includes.   It’s not that I mind answering, but it can get a little personal.  It’s like asking a guy “When was the last time you cried?” or “How much time do you spend fixing your hair in the morning?” Sure, there’s an…

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